
Page templates have the option of 2 templates: Default (single column) and Page with sidebar.
On the right hand side column you’ll see the select box that allows you to toggle between the two.


Images can be added by clicking the button Add Media. PDF, .doc or other types of media can also be inserted in the body copy.

The featured image will appear in the banner and should measure 1600 x 800px.
Larger images will be cropped to fit that size.

Please note that all feature images are editable. If no image is selected, the default banner (almonds and spoon) from the theme will be used.

The product line banners can also be updated by going to the individual product line section. Simply update the image called “banner photo”. If no banner photo is selected, but the default image is the image from the theme called banner-nuts.


Products will be found under the Product tab and each has it’s own page and can given a product line.
You’ll find the product line under the Product tab. Each line has a title, description, and image.

Under each product, you’ll see areas to update, the package image, producer information, product details, recipe and featured image.

Only one recipe can be associated per product. Before a recipe can be added to a product, the recipes need to be added to the recipe section.

Farmers and Partners Page

On this page, you’ll find a “repeater field.
Each field is an entry for a partner. Simply enter the title, image and content. You can re-order these by moving the fields, up and down.


You will find 3 menus on your site, main navigation, footer and social media. The social media menu has icons for Facebook and Instagram only at the moment. Additional icons can be added if needed. Menus can be updated by going to Appearance > Menus.